The only thing that comes to mind due to the fact that MAC OSX only
works with the 64-bit version of the Java environment is that you try to
install one of the relevant MAC versions of the Libre Office software
(based on OpenOffice). I know only that I installed about a year ago
under Windows 7 64-bit and Libre Office detected on the computer
installed 64-bit Java environment. I do not know how it could work in
the case of MAC OSX but I think you can try. Libre Office is available
for MAC and creates and supports a database program you wish to use.
Good luck,
Amin Jacek Pędziwiater
Rzeszów, Poland
------ Wiadomość oryginalna ------
Od: "Mike" <>
Data: 7/25/2019 8:40:08 AM
Temat: Base and Java
I wish to create a database but the message /No Java installation could be
found... /is as far as I get./
/I'm running OSX on a MacBook Pro, OpenOffice 4.1.6, Safari 12.1.2 and have
downloaded and install[ed??] Java 8 update 221 from I can't find
any files in Library, though when I installed java I got the install
OK message.
I've spent several hours working thru the OpenOffice Community Forum threads
that might be pertinent, and exhausted Google, but am now more confused than
when I started. Is the fundamental problem that Apple doesn't like java and
because I'm up to date with OS X and Safari, I won't be able to use Base?
Please don't get the impression from the above that I'm a well-informed IT
geek; I'm not, but having read so many pleas for help I understand the
necessity to quote releases! I've celebrated more than 25 anniversaries of my
50th birthday and find this digitised world overwhelming... So advice in naive
layman's terms will be much appreciated.
Mike Shearer
Townsville, Australia