At 08:16 17/07/2019 -0700, Jim Prothero wrote:
I have a text document which I put together at the page dimensions of 8.5 x 11. I need to shrink it to 6 x 9, but when I did only half of the document went to the new dimensions.

Page size is a property of page styles. Do you have more than one page style in use in your document? If so, you will need to change the page size in each of the page styles.

And when I bring up Format>Page and reset each page to the correct dimensions, nothing changes.

You cannot affect "each page", only each page style. You can see this as the dialogue brought up by Format | Page... is headed "Page Style: (whatever)". So you don't need to do this for each page, only for as many page styles as you are using. If you change things at Format | Page..., this will affect all pages in the document which have the same page style as the page currently containing the cursor. Did you perhaps scroll down to display each page but without moving the cursor to it?

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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