At 22:50 18/02/2019 -0700, David Bond wrote:
I cannot figure out how to change the default font (and size),
except to create templates. Is there any simpler way?
Yes and no.
Even when I create templates, sometimes the default ghosts of
previous versions come back to haunt me. I am so sick of seeing
Arial 10 stick its nose into my work, even when I have formatted a
new spreadsheet for, say, Times 12.
That sounds as if you are not quite doing it right.
OpenOffice Help does not help. Instructions for changing default
fonts say "Preferences -- OpenOffice Writer -- Basic Fonts", but my
Preferences (4.1.6) do not show me "OpenOffice Writer".
There are a number of issues here:
o I don't have a Mac in front of me to check, but I think that path
should instead be Preferences | OpenOffice | OpenOffice Writer |
Basic Fonts (Western) - note the extra "OpenOffice".
o Perhaps confusingly, you will see the "OpenOffice Writer" entry
only if you have a text (Writer) document open.
o There are separate default fonts for text (Writer) documents and
spreadsheet (Calc) ones. Those instructions are for text documents
and will not affect your spreadsheet.
HOW DO I CHANGE DEFAULT FONTS so that when I open a new page I can
quickly specify the font I want to use without the [expletive
deleted] thing reverting to some previous default if I decide to,
for example, insert a new row?
First, if you do this in anything like the right way, any inserted
row should (and will) inherit the properties you have set.
There are various techniques for spreadsheets:
o Click in the small rectangle at top left - where the column and row
headings meet (or use Edit | Select All or Ctrl+A). This selects the
entire sheet (not "page"). Set your desired font and font size for
that sheet. Repeat for any other sheets you need.
o Go to Format | Styles and Formatting (or click the Styles and
Formatting button in the Formatting toolbar, or press F11).
Right-click Default under Cell Styles in the Styles and Formatting
window and select Modify... . Make your choices. These will apply to
all your sheets in that spreadsheet, including inserted sheets.
o Proceed as above to make your choices in an otherwise blank
spreadsheet. Go to File | Templates > | Save..., give your new
template a name, and save it - probably in My Templates. Now go to
File | Templates > | Organise..., open My Templates, and select your
new template. Go to Commands > | Set As Default Template. This will
now apply to any new spreadsheets.
I trust this helps.
Brian Barker
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