Am 10.08.2018 um 15:52 schrieb Andrew Pitonyak:
> My assumption is that you are not really asking how to install Excel,
> since that is a Microsoft product and this is a mailing list for
> OpenOffice products... I assume, therefore, that you desire to install
> Apache OpenOffice and that you desire to use Calc.
> The only answer as of now assumes that you really want to install
> Excel and says "sorry, we do not support that here".
> So, despite the fact that I rarely use apple products, and most of my
> interactions with iPads and iPhones have been very negative, perhaps I
> should answer.
> If you look here:
> It states that the only way to install apps on your pad is to use the
> App store and that neither OpenOffice nor LibreOffice are on the app
> store.

He could install Office 700, which is an OpenOffice port for iOS.

There is a free edition (Lite):

and a payed version for $3,99:

These ports are from the same guy who makes AndrOpen Office for Android.


> If you really do want excel:
> There is apparently another app called "Numbers" that is well rated,
> but I did not look into it.
> On 2018-08-09 21:52, Michael Lass wrote:
>> Sent from my iPad     Please help me get Excel hooked up to my I pad
>> or is this possible?
>> Thank you very much !
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