On 8/5/2018 4:43 PM, Dan Lewis wrote:
> On 08/05/2018 01:27 PM, Chris Howard wrote:
>> Hi, my name is Chris, an authoring hopeful. And currently I am in the
>> midst
>> of writing a book, a fantasy horror, the only problem is that I want
>> to be
>> able to write particular parts of it in Elven languages such as Tengwar,
>> Quenyar and Sindirin. I cannot find any sources to help me along with
>> this,
>> so would it be possible to make the fonts available for budding authors
>> such as myself? Yours sincerely, Chris.
> You also need to create a paragraph style for each language. In each of
> these styles, select the font that you want to use for that language. (I
> am assuming that any given paragraph contains only a single language.)
> Any time you are changing languages between paragraphs, make sure you
> assign the proper style for the new paragraph: click the new paragraph
> and then double click the style for the language you will be using in it.
> If you are not acquainted with styles, you need to learn how to use
> them. There should be a Writer Guide for this very purpose.
> Dan
Along with Dan's excellent advice you can read this this section of the
writer guide on the wiki along with its linked pages:


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