Am 21.07.2018 um 19:59 schrieb brawny burger:
> I have used Open Office on my computers for years and have never had issues
> and like it better than most other programs.
> HOWEVER,   the Android version that I downloaded to my tablet does not work
> properly.  Doesn't even begin to function properly.  When you tap on
> characters it adds two characters.  For instance trying to set page margin,
> entering .5 gives .55.  And difficult to shrink to get on screen plus other
> issues.   It is hard to work with anything in   this app.  I've tried
> several times only to give up on it on a  SAMSUNG ANDROID TABLLET   and I
> am not a beginner.  I have been using Open Office since it was developed.
>  I wish someone would fix all the bugs and problems in the ANDROID
> VERSION.....
> *AndrOpenOffice  ver  4.1.1  build 3186*
> Product was created by Akikazu Yoshikawa, based on Apache OpenOffice.

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