I just wanted to clarify:
You start with a document that contains the text, which is always a
number, "9990001".
You open the document and print the document. The document prints the
text "9990001" as part of the document, but, after print, the text reads
"9990002". You save the document with the text 9990002.
Were you hoping to print the document, request 10 copies, and have it
print with a different number each time?
You have a single document containing the same text 50 times and each
copy contains a different number?
In my mind, I would write a macro to change the number then print the
document (if that workflow is possible), but I write many macros!
On 2018-07-02 5:59, Caroline Molin wrote:
Hello, I work for a company called Betonglarsson. We use Apache
OpenOffice to print transport reports (see attachmet). Now I need
to add the order number where it says NUMBERS, and I need those
numbers to change everytime that I print one. I normally print 50 at
time and I have been manually writing the order number on these but I
was wondering if there is a way to add an order number to these like
page number? Our order numbers normally starts with the numbers on
licence plate. Here is an example "9990001". We have about 40-50 cars
so I need to be able to change the numbers each time I need to print
for another car. Thank you in advance!