Open office is free forever. However It is not a smart idea to post your phone 
number on here.
From: Maurice Howe <>
Sent: Saturday, September 23, 2017 4:46:42 AM
To: Apache OpenOffice; Diane Posell
Subject: Re: Subscription

Diane, in your last line, you've given your phone # to the entire world!!!
That's like painting it on the Empire State Bldg.  Not a good idea.
Recommend you (a) get rid of that UserID​ and (b) change your phone # NOW!!

Maurice Howe

On Fri, Sep 22, 2017 at 7:16 PM, Diane Posell <
> wrote:

> HP signed me up and said that it is free forever.  I want to know if that
> is correct and if there is a charge how much is it?  I have also started
> using it and find it a little difficult to navigate.  The screen said that
> I have a 14 day trial version.I need to figure out how to highlight a print
> area that isn't an entire sheet and to get my worksheet back to "normal"
> from a little tiny schedule in the upper left hand corner.  I don't know
> what made it change but the format changed to small type and a very large
> sheet and my section is tiny.  I'm sure that it is as easy to navigate as
> Excel, once I understand all of the commands.  I tried to find help, but
> nothing sounded like what I needed.  Do I have to pay for a technician to
> help me through it?  Will the Help Agent be of assistance ?  I was signed
> up on September 21, 2017.Jean

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