On Wed, Jun 14, 2017 at 6:28 AM, toki <toki.kant...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 06/13/2017 03:28 AM, Qaz Wiz wrote:
> > frame should include a "REPORT PAGE" button (in RED i think) to inform
> > curator(s) there may be a problem that a curator may need to address.
> That is what Bugzilla is for.

Only in a world where every user is a software developer. People still
using AOO despite everything that has happened in the OO.o community tend
to be non-technical, less aware of the software market and are unlikely to
know what Bugzilla is, let alone where to find it or how to use it. A
hand-wave dismissal towards Bugzilla is thus unhelpful in my view.

The suggestion to add a "report this template"capability is a good one and
I hope SourceForge, the company maintaing the Templates web site, will add


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