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and you can also achieve this with setting the borders with Format Cells

On 04/05/17 5:17 AM, Jerold Lazarus wrote:
How can I get the grid lines of a spreadsheet to print. The contents of the 
cells print OK but not the grid lines that outlines the contents.
Jerry Lazarus

--- Begin Message ---
In the FILE menu select PRINT PREVIEW
Then select FORMAT PAGE   Check the box for GRID

That should do it.

*"I would rather be lost in the woods, than found in the city. "*

On Wed, May 3, 2017 at 3:17 PM, Jerold Lazarus <>

> How can I get the grid lines of a spreadsheet to print. The contents of
> the cells print OK but not the grid lines that outlines the contents.
> Jerry Lazarus

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
Alternately, use Format -> Page -> Sheet tab

Then check "Grid"

Girvin Herr

On 05/03/2017 12:48 PM, Bruce Pierson wrote:
In the FILE menu select PRINT PREVIEW
Then select FORMAT PAGE   Check the box for GRID

That should do it.

*"I would rather be lost in the woods, than found in the city. "*

On Wed, May 3, 2017 at 3:17 PM, Jerold Lazarus <>

How can I get the grid lines of a spreadsheet to print. The contents of
the cells print OK but not the grid lines that outlines the contents.

Jerry Lazarus

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