Thanks Johnny.
On 19/03/2017 11:18, Johnny Rosenberg wrote:
When you enter time in a cell, enter it like hh:mm:ss (separator depends on
your language settings).
0:0:9 → 00:00:09
0:9 → 00:09:00
9:0 → 09:00:00
1:13:3 → 01:13:03
12:4:56 → 12:04:56
the cell will format to hh:mm:ss automatically. Of course you can change
this. I guess h:mm would be what you're looking for. In that case, the
avove examples will display as:
12:04 (for some reason the result is not rounded up to 12:05, maybe that's
a bug, or maybe it's expected behaviour)
What's really in the cell is a floating point number less than 1. 1 means
24 hours, so 0.5 is 12:00:00, 0.75 is 18:00:00 and so on. To get it in
hours, just multiply with 24. Then you get something that you can multiply
directly with anything, such as your currency.
Here's an example
A1 → type 1:30
B1 → type 40 → format as currency
C1 → type =A1*24*B1 → formatting as currency will happen automatically.
Result: £60.
Simple as that…
Kind regards
Johnny Rosenberg
2017-03-19 11:37 GMT+01:00 Alan Pearce <>:
Thanks to all who replied to my request. I am sure that I will be able to
sort out a method now.
Sent from Samsung tablet
-------- Original message --------
From: Alan Pearce <>
Date:18/03/2017 12:51 (GMT+00:00)
Subject: Multiplying Time by Numbers
I would like to multiply Hours and Minutes by a number of GB pounds. Is
this possible and if so how please?
Sent from Samsung tablet
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