At 10:53 15/02/2017 +0000, Rui Pinto wrote:
In OpenOffice Writer if we accidentally select with mouse some
letters and use the print function it will print only the letters
selected. This has ruined several paper sheets without reason.
The reason is that you have made a mistake! Surely this is just
something that you discover in learning to use any application or
your computer in general?
If some letters are selected the function print should warn that
only part of the document will be printed due to selection.
That's exactly what happens for me, in fact.
o If I use the Print File Directly button in the Standard toolbar, I
see a message asking "Do you want to print the selection or the
entire document?" - with buttons giving the option to choose either.
o If I use File | Print... (or Ctrl+P), first the image in the Print
dialogue will show just the selected characters and the page count
below the image will show the (perhaps much smaller than expected)
number of pages that will actually print. In addition, on the General
tab, under "Range and copies", the Selection option is helpfully
already selected. (After all, why would you select text before
printing unless you wanted only that text to be printed?) You can
very simply modify that option to "All pages" on the fly, of course.
I don't know what you can be doing not to see these effects.
I trust this helps.
Brian Barker
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