On 19/01/17 5:48 AM, Girvin Herr wrote:

On 01/17/2017 06:32 PM, Martin Groenescheij wrote:

On 18/01/17 10:32 AM, Girvin Herr wrote:
Yes, I have seen that too. Usually a new spreadsheet may print until at some unpredictable time in the future, it stops printing. I don't know why it changes. I have not tested it. IMHO, the whole print ranges process should default to "Entire Sheet" for all sheets, including added sheets, unless changed.

That's exactly what it does, if no tab has a print range defined (the default) than it print all sheets where it finds data.
That has not been my experience. I have had multi-sheet spreadsheets with all print ranges blank (undefined or "default") and they would not print. On top of that, they may have started out printing, but then for some unexplained reason, stopped printing - still with the blank print ranges.

You said: "they would not print. On top of that, they may have started out printing" that sound likes a contradiction to me. There are two options you can check if OpenOffice will generate output something:
1. File -> Page Preview - this shows if there is anything to print.
2. View -> Page Break Preview - this shows all data and highlight the area which has a Print Range defined.

If something start printing and stops for some unexplained reason it is not by definition an OpenOffice problem.

I had to define a print range of "Entire Sheet" on each sheet to get it to print all of the sheets. It sounds like the OP has experienced the same thing (bug?). I am just saying the default behavior is sometimes frustrating for the non-power user and when it fails, the cause is not very intuitive.

The default behavior is very clear, when it behave different from your expectation there could be reasons: It could be that you use a non default template, which has a Print Range defined. Go to File -> Templates and double click on My Templates to see if there s a Non Default template. If there is one you find under the Commands pull-down menu a option "Reset Default Template"

The fact that the OP, and other previous posters with the same problem, had to ask for help on this forum is proof of that.

The only proof is that we all have areas we don't understand, I learn everyday new things.


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