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On 03/01/17 5:07 PM, Sagan Android wrote:
Hi There,

About ten years ago (IIRC) I convinced my office to switch to Open Office.
Not long after I was let go.

Tonight I decided to see how to project was going so I went to . I can't even find how to download Writer! The Download
page only offers a "full installation" which I don't want to allocate space

You can only download the full package, all modules use most of the same code, hence even if it was possible to download only part of OpenOffice it doesn't save much disk space.

So I searched for Writer on the site. That took me to , but again, no download
option for Writer. The Product section has a link for Writer that just
loops back to

Eventually I found which had a link to go to . On there, is a link back
to... you guessed it,  Round
and around we go. Nowhere is there an obvious link to download Writer.

If the project if still active, can you please have links so people can
download the program they want? Maybe some extra related links for
spell/gramme checking, etc.

Best wishes,

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