At 15:57 14/12/2016 +0000, Margaret Hemmings wrote:
I am using open office to write a document into which I want to insert pictures from my files. I want to type text in a block and then add a picture at the bottom right of it. I want to reduce the picture to thumbnail, so as not to dominate the text, but to be able to click on it to increase the size for viewing. Then to reduce it back to thumbnail. I have tried various ideas and searched online, but can find nothing.

If you remember that word processors were originally designed for creating documents to be printed, I think you will see that what you are asking for is a functionality more expected from web pages and the like, rather than in a static text document. But you can do something of the sort.

o Insert the picture into your text document using Insert | Picture > | From File... . o Grasp one of the corner coloured handles and drag it to reduce the image size. Hold down the Shift key as you release the mouse to maintain the correct aspect ratio.
o Drag the picture to the desired position.
o Go to Format | Wrap > to select an appropriate wrap style - possibly Page Wrap.
o With the picture selected, go to Insert | Hyperlink.
o In the left panel, select Document.
o To the right of Document | Path, click the folder ("Open File") icon.
o Browse to and open the picture file again.
o Apply.
o Close.

Your picture will now act as a hyperlink to the original picture file. If you Ctrl+click the picture, the original file will open - not in OpenOffice but in the appropriate application for files of the picture file's type. Note that the picture file will have to continue to exist in the same location or relation to the text file for this to continue to work.

Not also that, if you move the text file or send it to a correspondent, not only will you need to move or send the picture file as well as the text file but it will have to be saved in an appropriate location at the far end. The simplest way to do this is to put both files into the same folder before you create the hyperlink and to tick the option at Tools | Options... | Load/Save | General | Save | Save URLs relative to file system. Then all that is required is that the two files are in the same folder, wherever and on whatever system that is.

Another idea would be to insert your picture into the text document twice, once small and the other large. The hyperlink from the small version would then be to the large version, using "Target in document". This would mean that the complete document would be in one file, but there is no simple way of closing the big picture and automatically returning to the position in the text document of the small version, I think. (You could teach users how to arrange this, but you wouldn't want to do that.)

Or you could set up a web site.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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