On 11/23/2016 01:25 AM, Brian Barker wrote:
At 21:01 22/11/2016 -0600, Doug Noname wrote:
On 11/22/2016 02:28 PM, Hagar Delest wrote:
Indeed, this is a problem known for quite some times. IMHO the most
critical one. But nothing done yet about that. Very often, it is
linked to power shortage during the save operation.
*"Indeed, this is a problem known for quite some times. IMHO the most
critical one. But nothing done yet about that."* I bet if more people
knew that, there would be a lot fewer people using OpenOffice!
They would be crazy to reject an application merely because they saw a
mess created because they had powered their computer off whilst a
program - here OpenOffice - was still doing its job, or because of a
hardware or operating system problem. That's why you keep back-up copies.
I'm glad I'm not using OO. Nor its fork, LibreOffice. For other
reasons, but this one is a lulu!
I don't know what a "lulu" is; the Urban Dictionary tells me it means
"beautiful, gorgeous, magnificent, extraordinary" - though I doubt
that is what you mean.
Take "extraordinary"--and the line I quoted says this is a PROBLEM known
for some time; therefore presumably there is a way to solve it but nobody
has bothered. And yes, I am careful, but nobody's perfect. OTOH, I
don't know why anyone would shut off their computer while in the middle
of using a
word processor. And anyone who is using a computer for serious business
has an UPS--uninteruptable power supply.
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