On 06/09/2016 21:14, Fernando Cassia wrote:

> What is the percentage of Office users who are blind?

It doesn't matter what the percentage is, what matters, is that
organizations have to provide accessible software. If AOo doesn't work
with accessibility software and hardware tools, then the easiest option
is to go to Microsoft, and get something that is both familiar, and
works with known accessibility software and hardware tools.

> Can't blind people continue to use old C++ versions of AOO and the rest of
 the world move on to newer versions?

Please explain why those with a11y needs should tolerate using software
that has known zero day exploits, that are in the wild?

> There is also a little detail about your statement: it isn't true.

I take it you have never had the pleasure of using Apache OpenOffice
with either _Window Eyes_ or _JAWS_ and a Braille Display Monitor.

Hint: it doesn't work.

Freedom Scientific claims the problem is with AOo, not them.


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