
Your windows may be faulty, or dll corrupt.

in My Documents or Windows Explorer, right click the mouse on the
file, and choose default program as wtitter.
openoffice and microsoft office word recognize features, writer your
ways .: may have to make some changes in your document parater same
formatting as the word.my sister had a similar problem when trying to
open documents in Word, and for some reason the windows put the
writter  as the default program

when I open or create word documents the writer, always saved in the
word standard, never on writter pattern.
try opening the same document on another computer, with openoffice,
and see if you have the same problem. but it may be your windows with
some corrupt dll.

I have helped

2016-07-19 11:35 GMT-03:00 e-mail rm004e0578 <rm004e0...@blueyonder.co.uk>:
> Hello, I have been using OpenOffice Writer for a number of years and I have
> recently has problems with the program.  A main concern is whenever i save a
> document in Word 97/2000/XP format, the program tells me that the document has
> been saved in the format I requested, but when I go to open the documents, 
> they
> are displayed as an unknown file type with the unknown file icon (the white 
> box
> with three squares).  Every time I save a document now, even previous 
> documents
> that have been saved as Word 97/00/XP documents, they are converted to unknown
> file types every time I go back into OpenOffice.
> I also had difficulty with the formatting of a Word document that I opened in
> OpenOffice.  When I opened the file, the formatting had been thrown around and
> text boxes were moved and had a strange red arrow in the right-had corner.  I
> have never known of this problem before - could it be due to a virus?
> Thanks
> Best wishes,
> Matt Mills
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