Dan -


> 2.
>        How well do you understand the use of styles in Writer? If not
>    well you need to learn. There are chapters on styles that will be
>    very helpful.

> Where are these "chapters" on styles located?

> On 7/5/2016 9:40 AM, chaxiraxi...@gmail.com wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I normally write in German, but as I am living in Spain, many words are
>>> spanish, too. Buant always the program put These red lines under the
>>> spanish words.
>>> As I know, I can´t use more than one language with this program, but I
>>> think it would be very useful if there will be a function to use more
>>> languages, at least two at the same time.
>>> It is only a idea, but maybe you find a solution?
>>> Uli Reissaus
>>> Gesendet von Mail für Windows 10
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