On 03/26/2016 10:36 AM, Lauren Kuhr wrote:
I am a student at Kent State University and I am trying to create a database 
using your software. I am supposed to click on Tables and then Create Table in 
Design View which is supposed to bring up a table for me to use but I cannot 
click on it and no table appears. My assignment is due Tuesday and I can’t get 
any further since this won’t work.

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Creating a database is not a trivial process. There are many questions to ask as a result of your query (no pun intended).

First, are you using an external database server such as MySQL?
If so, the connection to that server must be configured. AOO Base stores its database information such as table configuration in the server database. If that is not available, then trying to create a table will probably fail. I am using MySQL for my databases and they are working fine with AOO as a database client to the MySQL server.

In the window where the table creation icon is, try Edit -> Database -> Properties.. or ...-> Connection Type... and look at the settings for a sanity check. In the Connection Type... dialogs, there are Test buttons to test the connection and the Java class connection. Use these to verify you have a server connection. If these do not work, then you do not have a server connection and Base will not work for you. Note that AOO Base uses Java to make the server connection, so you must have an approved Java Runtime Environment (JRE) or Java Development Kit (JDK), which contains the JRE, as well as a connector driver. In my case I am using the MySQL_connector_java driver. Other servers may differ.

There once was a small database server bundled with AOO called something like HSQL, but there was talk about removing it because it was not very powerful and caused users more problems than it helped. I am not sure that server is included in your AOO version. The Base Getting Started and other manuals may be helpful.

It is a challenge to start up and configure a database system in the short time you have. I wish you luck.
Girvin Herr

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