PLease, I ask people to stop TOP POSTING!!! It destroys the sequential
flow of the thread!!!
See bottom for my reply.
On 02/26/2016 12:04 PM, Dennis E. Hamilton wrote:
-----Original Message-----
From: jd1008 []
Sent: Friday, February 26, 2016 10:13
To: Apache OpenOffice <>
Subject: Updates
Dear AOO developers,
Thank you for this excellent product.
Currently running AOO 4.1.2
I have a small problem with updating an extension.
When I open a document, I get a banner that there is an update
to an extension (English spelling ..... etc).
So, I click on Update and NOTHING HAPPENS.
So, why would you insert the alert code in the product, and then
not execute the update when the user clicks on it?
If the issue is that the user is NOT root, then why do you offer
the no-op "Update" button on the banner? Why do you not offer
instead a button to download the update to disk,, so that the user
can run sudo ...etc to install the update?
Kind regards,
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You speak of root and I assume that means you are using a Linux version of AOO
The extension procedure should be the same for all platforms. I checked the
procedure using AOO 4.1.2 (on Windows 10) and here is what my experience is:
1. The notice comes up when I open AOO Writer. It invites a click for "further
2. I click on the download button (small button with downward facing arrow
that the notice points to).
3. A dialog box labeled "Extension Update" opens and there is a checked name
of an available extension (e.g., the Version 2016.02.01 English spelling and hyphenation
dictionaries and thesaurus ...).
4. Yes, the button at the bottom of the dialog says "Install". This is
inaccurate. There are no automatic installs in Apache OpenOffice.
5.If I click on the Install button, I am taken to a web page,
<>, that describes the
extension and provides a Download button for it. There is also a list of available
version, starting with the most-recent, with available downloads. There are
instructions on how to complete the download and install the extension.
A. Are you not seeing the dialog in (3)?
B. Is your concern that (4) is inaccurate?
C. Is the procedure at the web page, (5) clear?
D. Is your request that there be an automatic Install of updates?
There are some simple steps we might be able to take to clarify this, as first
steps, without changing the actual procedure.
First, help us understand the specific problem you are observing and what you
are asking for.
- Dennis
I am referring to your point #5. Clicking on Install DOES NOT open the
browser (firefox).