Apache OpenOffice (AOO) is a free download, and there’s a binary that runs on 
the Mac. Go to www.openoffice.org, and ONLY to that site, for your download. 
Click on the “I want to download Apache OpenOffice” link. A screen will present 
you with the option to choose your operating system, language, and version. 
Click on the "Download full installation” button. When you do that, you’ll be 
taken to SourceForge, where your download will start automatically. DON’T CLICK 
ANYTHING!! The webpage is full of other ads, some of which look like download 
mechanisms for AOO. Just leave it alone, and the work will be done for you. 

There is a version of OpenOffice (not Apache Open Office though) on Apple’s App 
Store. It’s called NeoOffice. Neo is what I use for word processing. It’s code 
base is from OpenOffice v. 3.x.x, and the current AOO is v. 4.1.2. Neo looks 
better on a Mac. The current AOO seems to work better, at least when it comes 
to importing MS Office files. I think somebody’s got an IOS reader for AOO 
files, but it’s not free, and you cannot edit or markup files. 

If all your friend needs to do is to read the doc, don’t download anything. 
Just save it out of AOO as a .pdf, and send that (File -> Export as PDf; or 
File -> Send…:: Email as PDF…). 

Your friend might want to run a malware checker on her Mac. Those “Premium” 
editions can cause a lot of damage; they’re as ubiquitous as “Nigerian Prince” 
scams these days.

Good luck,


> On Feb 18, 2016, at 1:58 AM, David Paley <db54pa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I sent a friend of mine some writing I did a couple days ago, and since she
> was having trouble opening it with the .doc extension I sent it to her
> with, I sent her another copy in the Open Office extension that I wrote it
> on. She downloaded the Apple Open Office app to read it and got told she
> needed the Premium Edition which she would have to pay for. I thought Open
> Office was a free program. Am I mistaken?
> -- 
> [image: --]
> David Brian Paley
> [image: http://]about.me/dbp54
> <http://about.me/dbp54?promo=email_sig>

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