You have given me the information that I was looking for. Thanks!
I am writing a chapter, Planning/Designing your Database, for
LibreOffice. Since many people use spreadsheets and shy away from
databases, I wanted something to compare the two. The general conception
seems to be creating databases is difficult, and creating spreadsheets
is easier. I wanted to show that the basic principles for creating a
database are not very different from creating a spreadsheet.
On 12/23/2015 01:08 AM, Martin Groenescheij wrote:
On 23-Dec-15 03:36, elderdanlewis wrote:
Is there an equivalent in spreadsheets to relational databases?
You can use lookup values from other tabs in that sense you could
compare both, but the functionality in a spreadsheet is very limited
in comparison with a relational database.
Or, are they all similar to flat databases?
No because in a spreadsheet you can have multiple sets of data.
A flat database is limited to one set of data.
I am looking for similarities and differences between databases
and spreadsheets.
This is an open ended question, could you be more specific on what you
try to achieve?
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