On Tue, 01 Dec 2015 12:44:47 +0000
NORMAN <t1de...@btinternet.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> I have had Open Office s/w for a number of years, upgrade whenever there 
> is an offer and my running s/w is Windows 7. I use the word processing 
> facility exclusively. Now my problem which has dogged me from the very 
> beginnings of my useage of your s/w.
> I write a letter, two sides of A4 long. I click! SAVE and then go into 
> the Internet and using BT as my ISP write an e.mail to the recipients of 
> my letter, click "Attachments" , go into Documents, find the letter, 
> click it, and its Name/Ref. appears at the top of the e.mail. Then all 
> done .....I click "Send" and I am told it has been sent succesfully.
> But it has not......the recipients tell me it cannot be opened, can only 
> be opened with a great deal of jiggery pockery, has a corrupt message 
> attached............
> As you can imagine it is driving me crackers. Is there anyway you can 
> help , PLEASE ?
> Thank You
> Norman Viles

If they do not need to edit the document, export as PDF and send that.  If they 
do need to edit the document, Save As MS Word 97/2000/XP format (select from 
the dropdown on the /File /Save as dialog) and make sure "Automatic file name 
extension" is checked on that dialog.  This will open in any version of MS Word 
since 1997; more recent versions of MS word (post 2007?) will open .odt 
(OpenOffice's native format) files directly.

Rory O'Farrell <ofarr...@iol.ie>

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