An alternative provision that may be confusing this situation is the way that LibreOffice will save a PDF as "editable" in LibreOffice.
What happens is the original .odt is embedded in the PDF as an attachment, so the .odt is being carried within the "hybrid" PDF. LibreOffice will open a hybrid PDF and present the .odt for editing. Apache OpenOffice does not recognize the hybrid PDF. - Dennis Via Google Translate (Cez Google Prekladač): Alternatívne ustanovenia, ktoré môže byť mätúce túto situáciu je tak, že LibreOffice ušetrí PDF ako "upravovať" v LibreOffice. Čo sa stane, je pôvodná .odt je zakotvený v PDF ako prílohu, takže .odt sa vykonáva v rámci "hybridný" vo formáte PDF. LibreOffice otvorí hybridný PDF a prezentovať .odt pre úpravy. Apache OpenOffice nerozpoznáva hybridný PDF. > -----Original Message----- > From: Dave Barton [] > Sent: Monday, November 30, 2015 01:29 > To: > Cc: Adam Urban <> > Subject: Re: PDF > > -------- Original Message -------- > From: Sylvia Sánchez > Date: Sun, 29 Nov 2015 17:44:35 -0200 > > > Hi! > > Can you write your problem in English? > > Thanks! > > Adam is not subscribed to this list and will not have seen your request. > A rough English translation of his message in Slovak is: > > "You could add to the OpenOffice PDF document reader which could be > edit, create and view PDF documents." > [ ... ] --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail: