Perhaps he's running as a user and is being asked for the admin's password.

BTW, contrary to common practice, users should not have admin
privileges.  They should be asked for the password when installing
software.  Otherwise they greatly compromise security and open the door
for malware.

Whenever I set up a Windows computer, I create an admin account and
another for users.  There's rarely any reason to run as admin.  This is
also the normal practice in Linux.

On 09/13/2015 01:24 PM, Dennis E. Hamilton wrote:
> I've never seen that.
> Please provide more details.
> What do you mean "authorize" -- what exactly is the message and how does it 
> come up?  
> Then, did you upgrade to Windows 10 [Home?] on a machine that already had 
> OpenOffice installed?
>  - Dennis
>  - Please respond to the list where all 
> volunteers and other users can be supported.  I will take any direct response 
> to me as permission to forward the information to the community list as I see 
> fit.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [] 
> Sent: Sunday, September 13, 2015 10:01
> To:
> Subject: Open Office in Windows 10
> How do I eliminate the need to authorize soffice.exe to run every time Open 
> Office is used?
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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