What a great place this is to volunteer.

On 5 Aug 2015 00:58, "Larry Gusaas" <larry.gus...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 2015-08-04, 4:43 PM Simon Phipps wrote:
>> On Tue, Aug 4, 2015 at 11:20 PM, Larry Gusaas <larry.gus...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> On 2015-08-04, 9:22 AM Simon Phipps wrote:
>>>> Those are not hosted on SourceForge, as far as I am aware. They are
>>>> part of the legacy archive of Sun's materials.
>>> True, but you previously erroneously stated: "... you cannot possibly
>>> downloaded it from Apache ..."
>> While you are precisely semantically correct, the OP was complaining of a
>> download hosted by SourceForge. Since the version she cited is not hosted
>> there on Apache's behalf most people could probably work out a way to
>> understand my meaning without the need to quibble.
> Quibbling??? BS.
> Your statement was very clear. In case your forgot, here's the completed
paragraph I took the exert from:
>    "The Apache OpenOffice project does not distribute version 3.2 (it is
>    earlier version that was distributed -- long ago -- by Sun
>    so you cannot possibly have downloaded it from Apache or from any of
>    Apache's official mirrors of OpenOffice at SourceForge."
> Quit trying to weasel out of your erroneous statement.
> --
> _________________________________
> Larry I. Gusaas
> Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan Canada
> Website: http://larry-gusaas.com
> "An artist is never ahead of his time but most people are far behind
theirs." - Edgard Varese

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