Dear OpenOffice user/contributor,

My name is Itzel Morales and I am a PhD candidate at Fondazione Bruno Kessler, 
My research project concerns the development of a tool that performs a 
linguistic analysis of messages, sent through mailing lists, with the purpose 
of identifying relevant messages reporting bugs or feature requests in OSS 

In order to perform the linguistic analysis I require a big amount of data for 
training algorithms.
This is the reason for which I kindly ask your voluntary participation to 
perform some tasks that require human knowledge. 

Basically, I need you to annotate sentences that belong to messages of mailing 
list discussions that are developed by members of an OSS community.
The activity to be performed involves 4 steps described in detail in the 
following link:

I would very much appreciate your contribution to this crowdsourcing task.

Please contact either Itzel Morales Ramirez (, or Anna Perini ( for any concern.

Itzel Morales Ramírez

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