Thanks for the information. Unfortunately, this doesn't seem to work as you described.

I have both MS Office and OO installed (for testing), and when I right click on "open with" I get about a dozen options but OO isn't one of them.

-----Original Message----- From: James Knott
Sent: Tuesday, June 23, 2015 11:32 AM
To: ;
Subject: Re: Question re/ using Open Office

On 06/23/2015 02:15 PM, Richard Fox wrote:
I’m considering using Open Office instead of the MS products that I’ve used for years. I’ve done a slight amount of testing to look into compatibility with MS Office, and I’m not getting the results I had hoped for.

Can you tell me how OO interacts with the MS world – like how do you convert documents from one format to the other. I’ve tried opening an OO document with Word and it took about 3 or 4 steps to do it. I then tried to open a Word document in OO and I was unable to. I also tried to save a Word document with an OO extension and I couldn’t to it.

If there’s an easy way to migrate back and forth I would really be interested in OO and I’d gladly contribute to your development. However, I need to be able to live in both “worlds”.

You should be able to open Word, Excel etc. documents without any
problem.  Just click on the icon and OO should open.  However, if you
already have MS Office installed, it might be the default application.
In that case, just right click on the file and select the app you want.
As for OO to MS, that depends on the version.  Later versions of MS
Office should be able to open ODF (the OO default) documents, but you
can also export in MS formats.  You can even make the MS formats the

Richard Fox

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