Hello Dennis
Yes, you are right, and I think, I was too eager – sorry for that. I am 
using Lotus Symphony, and Apache OpenOffice at my company, but the development 
of the Symphony finished, so for the new documents types and features, I have 
to use Apache OpenOffice.
But by using these 2 Office product, I can compare some features, and found 
that the tabbing interface in  Symphony is very useful and productive while 
working with more Documentation. My petition is only to pay attention of this 
requirement. Yes, it can be hard to implement it, but possible, and if many 
signatures will get, then maybe there will be enough intent from the Developers 
to implement it
I know, to get the required signatures is hard, and have to achieve it without 
spamming someone else mailbox (as you wrote, and I agree with you), but I am 
thinking about the popularization of it as the purpose is – as per my 
experiences – is very useful and can help other people work the faster, 
easier and comfortable.
I have time, and hope, at least a plugin will be developed.
And I won't be discouraged if my initiative will not initiative the 
purpose. Of course, soon, I will use the community sites like Facebook and 
Google Plus, but first I tried another was to inform the AOO/LO affected people 
– did it in a wrong way. 
Many thanks for your mail. Regards,
Arnold Fabian 
"Dennis E. Hamilton" <dennis.hamil...@acm.org> írta:
>I don&#39;t think spamming email lists about this is very productive.
>It is akin to many "petition" activities.  They express desires without 
>providing any means for their achievement.  The same can happen with Feature 
>Requests on the project Bugzilla collections.
>In this case, there is no consideration to how complicated this would be based 
>on the existing large code base that AOO and LibO have to manage (and then 
>making it an optional feature makes that even more complicated).
>But ultimately, for an open-source project, the biggest problem is capturing 
>the attention of developers who are capable, available, and interested in 
>producing such a feature.  And there are prioritization issues and work that 
>might be considered more important (especially around defects and 
>quality-assurance requirements).
>If it feels good, by all means add to the petition.  Just don&#39;t be too 
>broken-hearted when there is no impact.  And don&#39;t be too discouraged if 
>there are not very many signatures on the petition.
> - Dennis
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Árnold [mailto:aarn...@freemail.hu] 
>Sent: Thursday, May 28, 2015 03:04
>To: j...@johnhaller.com; thys...@gmail.com; rich...@openoffice.org; 
>galaxy_mas...@hotmail.com; 018...@southamericacruises.net; 000b...@gmail.com; 
>"h.e.f.fordewafex."@gmail.com; ad...@ppsec.gr; be...@datapimp.org; 
>gel...@tvcassis.com.br; uglysun...@yahoo.com; f...@milan.k12.mi.us; 
>csli...@gmail.com; lucz...@yahoo.it; j...@oooes.org; pats...@yahoo.co.uk; 
>tim.ll...@gmx.com; inp...@gmail.com; tomdavie...@yahoo.co.uk; 
>csanyi...@gmail.com; b.m.bar...@btinternet.com
>Cc: users@openoffice.apache.org; d...@openoffice.apache.org; 
>Subject: Asking the Apache OpenOffice and/or Libre Office user &ndash; do you 
>need &ldquo;tabbing interface&rdquo;?
>Dear Addresses! 
>Sorry for disturbing you, I have found your email address on an Apache 
>OpenOffice/Libre Office related webpage.
>I would like to inform you, that I have started a petition to pay your 
>attention of the Apache OpenOffice and Libre Office Management and 
>Developement teams for the required &ldquo;Tabbing Interface&rdquo; 
>[ ... ]

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