There is a simple way to turn off all formatting: Use NotePad or TextEdit. I 
won’t lift a finger to help him until he gets a civil tongue in his head, so to 
speak. He can RTFM for help.
> On May 27, 2015, at 6:44 PM, Doug <> wrote:
> On 05/27/2015 05:42 PM, John Hart wrote:
>> Animals and people get angry and lash out at those trying to help them. As 
>> funny as the complaint and the response are,
>> the list's purpose would be better addressed by answering the ANGRY user's 
>> implied question,
>> how to use the numbering system!
>> jrh
> Your point is well taken, but the original poster's complaint is valid. There 
> ought to be a *simple* way to turn off all
> the formatting crap and let the user think for himself.
> --doug
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