On Wednesday, March 25, 2015 03:35:21 PM Jean Lear wrote:
> I need to print Raffle tickets with Butt and Ticket four to an A4 page.
> I have registered an OpenOffice Calc document containing numbers from one
> to seven hundred with columns for Butt and Ticket numbers as a Registered
> Data Base.
> I am able to do a mail merge from this  OpenOffice Calc to a blank Writer
> document (with fiddling to get them in the right places), but am unable to
> do a merge from the same OpenOffice Calc Registered Data Base to an Open
> Office Calc document set up for the tickets or a Writer document set up for
> the tickets in sections and columns.  I cannot see how to make up the
> Raffle tickets on a Writer to have them four to a page other than in
> sections and two columns.

Why not just do a table inside a writer document? Is there any additional 
calculation you depend on calc for this? Writer has some basic formulas too 
like SUM and AVERAGE. 

> As a last resort I had thought of printing the tickets from the Calc
> document and then using the writer document with the merged numbers to run
> the tickets through the printer a second time.
> I have used Calc for the tickets as I find I can use that to more precisely
> produce four raffle tickets to an A4 sheet with a butt and a ticket.  I use
> Calc to produce work that other members may use writer for as I find it
> easier to work with.
> Can someone offer any suggestions or advice on how to merge the numbers
> into the Calc document please - if this can be done.
> I am using Apache OpenOffice 4.1.1 on  a computer with Windows 7
> Professional  64 Bit.
> Thank you.
> Jean

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