>From whence did you download OpenOffice?

I suggest that you were not on the only official OpenOffice site, that
being www.openoffice.org.
If you downloaded from that site, and only that site, you will not have any
extraneous and undesired programs added to your download.

Sadly, there are unscrupulous folks who have set up sites offering what is
purported to be OO, packaged with other, sometimes malicious, software.

On Thu, Feb 5, 2015 at 5:14 PM, Bill Smith <hoganandsmi...@msn.com> wrote:

> I downloaded open Office  today and when I installed it there was about 4
> programs tried to install with it, Two made it before I could get them
> stopped in the end I had to restore my computer it would not reboot to the
> desktop the was a black screen so I had to go to safe mode and restore the
> computer. you should do something about this.

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