Chris - Please tell us what kind of machine you have, i.e. Mac, PC clone, etc., and what operating system you are using.
Also, please be sure that the program you are trying to load was downloaded ONLY FROM , which redirects to the servers at A copy of OpenOffice sourced from any site other than may be problematic. While third party providers may offer copies of Open Office 4.1.1 , experience has shown that many third party providers add things to, or subtract things from, the official files. Please respond direct to the users group. Thank you. On Sat, Jan 24, 2015 at 4:50 PM, Chris Boyd <> wrote: > I have spent hours looking through forums and I can't find an answer > anywhere that will help me to install the OpenOffice software. I keep > getting "Error 1310. Error writing to file cli_basetype.dll. Can you > please help me fix this? >