At 02:58 21/01/2015 +0000, "Joey" Lim Rui Xian wrote:
Would like to seek for help from Openoffice as I would like to print
my worksheet in only black and white color without showing my
background color. I have search the OpenOffice Help for help and I
did follow the steps, however, I found that the function in my
current OpenOffice was not tally with the OpenOffice Help.
It's perhaps unfair to expect other people to work on your problem if
you are not prepared to explain what you tried and therefore what
your problem might be! You owe it to them to say what you did and
what didn't work.
Kindly find the attachment for your kind perusal.
Attached files are removed by the mailing list processor before
messages are distributed, so no-one will have been able to see your document.
There are many ways to achieve what you need:
o Print your document using a monochrome printer.
o Go to Tools | Options... | OpenOffice | Print | Reduce print data |
Printer, and tick "Convert colours to greyscale".
o Go to File | Printer Settings... | Properties... . Your printer
driver (which depends on your operating system and printer, *not* on
OpenOffice) may very well give you the facility to print in
monochrome. You can reach the same option on the fly in the Print
dialogue by clicking Properties... on the General tab.
But note that all of the above should print your background colour as
a grey tint, whereas I'm guessing (you don't make this clear) that
you want a white background instead. In that case, you really need to
prepare a document that does indeed have a white background. It
should be fairly easy to remove whatever background colour you have
and print the result. For safety - if you want to retain the colour
in your document itself - you should make a copy of the document file
and modify that before printing it. That way, the original will be
safely unmodified.
If you have a background colour set for an entire sheet or perhaps a
relevant cell range, this will be very simple. If you perhaps have
different background colours for different parts of your document,
such changes may be a little more complicated. Have you properly
understood the function of styles in OpenOffice? If you had set your
background colours using cell styles, it would be a simple matter to
reset the background colours of the styles temporarily: style changes
would affect all the relevant cells immediately and without difficulty.
Here's another idea. If you want to do this regularly - to maintain a
document that displays in colour but prints in monochrome - you could
easily set up an additional sheet or sheets in your document that
would be copies of the real, coloured sheets but without the
background colours and would be used only for printing. These would
not be static copies but dynamic ones that updated as you worked on
the coloured sheets you were looking at. You would define a print
range so that the monochrome sheets would automatically be all that
was printed.
I trust this helps.
Brian Barker
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