What I do is fill the upper left and lower-right corners of the template with 
lines of XXX...X that just fit in whatever the borders are.

Then I print those with the desired printer to find out what the alignment 
issues are with the printer.  I don't waste label paper in doing this.  

Then I make whatever fudges I need to make to margin settings until the label 
page comes out all right and if I lay it over a blank label sheet I am clear 
that everything will line up.

There are many settings in your computer and with respect to the printer driver 
that will influence all of this, including whatever might be happening with 
default margins.

Once I have a label document that works, I clear the fields and save it as the 
template for future use.

I do that on Windows with Word too.

 - Dennis

PS: For any follow-up, please reply to users @ openoffice.apache.org where 
other experts may have advice and others can learn the solutions to common 
problems.  The OpenOffice Forums have an extensive knowledge base at 

-----Original Message-----
From: Martin Groenescheij [mailto:mar...@groenescheij.com] 
Sent: Sunday, January 11, 2015 20:27
To: users@openoffice.apache.org
Cc: janstra...@aol.com
Subject: Re: HELP - LABELS

To create labels in OpenOffice you start a new document
Go to File --> New --> Labels
In the menu that pops up you select Avery Letter Size as Brand and 5260 
Address as Type. Click New Document and there is are your labels.

On 12 01 15 1:30 PM, Janus Strazza wrote:
> I am sorry your reply has NOT helped me at all, you have not told me anything 
> that I did not know.
> I read the instructions for the template, clicked on the proper Avery form 
> label, typed my name, printed
> and the center of the labels was off to the left.  I do not know what the 
> proper margins are and I hate this software.
> I wish I had Microsoft and unfortunately I do not.  I asked for help with the 
> settings and you were no help at all.
> I guess I will never get my labels printed.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dennis E. Hamilton <dennis.hamil...@acm.org>
> To: dev <d...@openoffice.apache.org>
> Cc: janstrazza <janstra...@aol.com>
> Sent: Sat, Jan 10, 2015 7:02 pm
> Subject: RE: HELP - LABELS
> The Avery label products 5160, 5260, 5660, 5960, 5979, 8160, and 18660 all 
> have essentially the same template.
> You can obtain an Avery 5160 template by opening Apache OpenOffice directly, 
> clicking on "Templates" and then clicking on "Get more templates online ..." 
> and then search.
> Or just try this one, 
> <http://templates.services.openoffice.org/en/template/blank-address-label-template>.
>   - Dennis
> PS: For any follow-up, please reply to users @ openoffice.apache.org where 
> other experts may have advice and others can learn what the solutions to 
> common problems are.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Janus Strazza [mailto:janstra...@aol.com]
> Sent: Saturday, January 10, 2015 14:15
> To: d...@openoffice.apache.org
> Subject: HELP - LABELS
> To Whom It May Concern:
> Please help, I am not a computer pro, junky or whatever I want to call myself.
> I am trying to print some Avery labels and I can not remember how to set the
> margins for the labels.  I have done this many times before, but I have not 
> used
> your program for this task.  I feel pretty stupid that I can not figure this 
> out.
> I am using Avery Labels:  Template 5260 - 3 Across
>                                        10 Down
> Please help, Thank You,      Janus

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