About two months ago I upgraded my OS X from 10.6 to 10.9.6.  All went 
well…..except that occasionally when I opened a file it would be blank.  
Sometimes it was a new file.
In the beginning I started deleting the empty file and then Voila’ by using 
select all  I was able to select a different font and the information would 
magically appear.

It pretty much slowed down in recent days but i’m sure it will happen again and 
at a most inopportune time. (Murphy’s law anyone?)  

It used to occur only with Times New Roman font but now it happens with 
different fonts. sometimes right after I correct it.

Does any one have any idea what is happening?

Does anyone have a fix for this problem?

It’s Halloween here but my ghosts are computer illiterate like me so we can 
rule them out!

Thanks in advance

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