At 01:03 22/10/2014 +0000, Jelavia Noname wrote:
How can i put this word/sentence/watermarks " LEGAL DOCUMENTS " Or " PRIVATE " Or " CONFIDENTIAL " etc. Means before i will write a letter from Where can i find this Watermarks in your Office Version?

o Go to File | New > | Drawing (or click Drawing on the splash screen) to create a new drawing document. o Click the Text ("T") button in the Drawing toolbar and drag a text box in the document. o Adjust the text properties: font, size, and so on. (You can enter sizes larger than those offered by typing in the box.)
o Select a suitable font colour - probably something like Grey 20%.
o If desired, adjust the rotation angle under Position and Size.
o Select the text box and go to Modify | Convert > | To Bitmap (or right-click | Convert > | To Bitmap). o With the material selected, go to right-click | Save as Picture... and save the result somewhere suitable - probably as a .png file.
o You can now discard the drawing document itself.

o In your text document, go to Format | Page... | Background.
o For As, select Graphic.
o Click Browse... and browse to and open your saved picture.
o You probably don't want Link ticked - especially if you intend to distribute the text file elsewhere.
o For Type, select Position.

Note that backgrounds are a property of page styles, so the watermark will appear on all pages with the current style. Note also that you could place such watermarks in otherwise empty documents and save them as templates.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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