On 23-9-2014 12:05, Greg Madden wrote:
I am not familiar with MS Works format, if Aoo does not support that
format, recommending a 'libre' app that does is an answer to a question

Another case in point, AOO does not support legacy WordPerfect file
fornat, it is a licensing issue. Libreoffice does...it is wrong, imho,
to not relay such info to users. There is alot of archived data in WP
format, it pre-dates AOO & LO... I am not acoounting for Star Office.

It may bre more palatable to elucidate on why someone is sugesting LO,
it needs not be percieved as a criticism of AOO.

Finally, archiving data often means archiving the , hardware/software
that produced the data. Virtualiztion is a good tool for this.
To archive software you require back-up tapes or disks which is the easiest part. I used Applixware Office in the past and still have the application CD, the problem is that the license was for a year only. This means that if I want to open the documents
I have to upgrade the software and buy a license again.

Back-up hardware is more difficult. Even when you have a twenty year old peace of hardware you're lucky if it will works after you have dust it off. Oh yeah don't forget it probably only works if you install the correct version of the Operating System.

For most of the users like me that makes things to complex.




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