Hi, I can recomend you to check out some youtube tutorials about how
to use OpenOffice.
There are also free ebooks on http://www.odfauthors.org/apache-openoffice
And finally on our own documentation site:

Make sure that you donwload OpenOffice from our website or from Sourceforge.

Once done that, please check out our templates here:

This will help you with your document design issues.

Also to enhance the safety of your documents, please create a folder
named 'backup' and go to OpenOffice Tools -> Options and General ->
Path to set up the location where your backup documents will be saved.
Here is a very nifty tutorial about it:

On 8/20/14, susiesharp2...@gmail.com <susiesharp2...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Today was a wonderful day. After downloading Open Office  a couple of months
> ago on my new computer, today I found at least 2 ways of clicking on a
> document, downloading a design on my "stationery", actually setting up some
> templates for the docs I wanted to write (including a recipe), & actually
> getting the cursor to write a heading _&_a body of text in the docs I had
> set up, then printing & saving. The problems I've been having are probably
> becoming all too clear: I DON'T KNOW BEANS ABOUT WHAT I'M DOING. Every time
> I had tried to look up tutorials I was overcome by licenses, pop-ups
> proclaiming my lack of this or that driver or operating program, fear of
> downloads (I've already had my share of spies in my system, calling me on
> the phone & telling me that I was inadequately set up, etc). I just want to
> thank you for the nice day in which I actually got something done because
> magically #1) I was able to use the tools provided on the page & figure out
> how they worked, and #2) things I had been looking for on-line for weeks to
> help me with my projects magically appeared! Now I just hope that the magic
> will extend to being able to remember what, if anything, I did to make these
> things happen, and if it really was magic that occurred today, I get it
> back. Anyway, I appreciate the resources you have provided, and if it
> weren't for my disabled status that keeps me continuously broke and
> starving, I would give you everything I have (? I don't have much, but
> gratitude is abundant!)
> ---
> This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus
> protection is active.
> http://www.avast.com

Alexandro Colorado
Apache OpenOffice Contributor
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