What disk? Where did you get the disk?
I suspect you purchased the disk from a third party reseller, and if so, you are taking several risks. I urge you to DOWNLOAD the Open Office 4.0.1 or 4.1.0 or whatever it is this week directly from either: www.openoffice.com or www.sourceforge.com These are the two official sites from which to obtain Open Office. The downloads are without charge for the Open Office program. You may have fees associated with your ISP in providing the download connection. On Fri, Aug 15, 2014 at 7:06 PM, Mr Berwyn H Price <berwynhpr...@live.co.uk> wrote: > Hi > I want to install Open Office version 1 on a Windows 98 SE installed > computer. > But I need clear step by step instructions because the ones that are > included on the disc are not very clear. > Please can you help by providing me with such instructions. > Thank you for your patience in this matter & I do look forward to > receiving a reply from you soon in the near future. > From > Mr Berwyn H Price