2014-07-06 15:35 GMT+02:00 Andrew Douglas Pitonyak <and...@pitonyak.org>:

> I always set my macro security level to always ask
I don't (I set it to highest level), and the question isn't how to set it
up, the question is that why did a certain setup work in one way one day
and completely different the next day? That is, is there more to it than
just setting up macro security in Tools → Option → Security? No matter what
settings I use, the used one should work, otherwise it should be removed or
corrected, right?

Anyway, I think I got all the answers I possibly can to this question.
Nobody knows, simple as that. It doesn't seem to be a known bug anyway, and
that was probably what I wanted to know in the first place.

Johnny Rosenberg

> On 07/06/2014 05:08 AM, Johnny Rosenberg wrote:
>> 2014-07-06 2:53 GMT+02:00 Alexandro Colorado <j...@oooes.org>:
>>  Can you tell us what does ur macro actually do?
>>>  There are quite a few and they are different for each spreadsheet file.
>>  Most of these settings are declared on the XCU whicch are XML. The
>>> schema could have changed or something along those lines like the path
>>> on the ~/.openoffice/ folder.
>>> However maybe you run your macros within AOO which could be a
>>> different service, so until we dont get that information we cant tell
>>> which change could have an effect on your macro.
>>>  I am only talking about ordinary Basic macros written in the Basic IDE.
>> They are not run until I actively run them, in this case by cliocking a
>> giant button in the spreadsheet. It shouldn't matter what it does, and
>> there are more than one of them, but the most important one, for instance,
>> reads the clipboard and extract the text part from it. Then it fills some
>> cells (which ones is up the the macro to calculate) with some parts of
>> that
>> text.
>> Anyway, the problem isn't the macro itself. The problem is that when I
>> open
>> one of those spreadsheets, Apache OpenOffice tells me that this
>> spreadsheet
>> contains macros (which it does), before even finished loading the
>> spreadsheet at all. The dialogue then lets me open the spreadsheet with
>> macros disabled…
>> So I go into Macro security and add the path in which the link to the
>> spreadsheet is located, close Apache OpenOffice and try again, and this
>> time the macros are loaded properly without any error messages.
>> I don't complain about the behaviour, actually I can see that this is how
>> it should work. What I'm asking is WHY could I open them from that folder
>> BEFORE yesterday?
>> The document itself is stored as, let's say ~/some/path/spreadsheet.ods,
>> but I open it by clicking
>> ~/another/path/link_to_some_path_spreadsheet.ods.
>> ~/some/path/ is added to the macro security paths list, ~/another/path/ is
>> not. Before yesterday I could open the document by clicking the link, now
>> I
>> can't and I didn't change any settings within Apache OpenOffice. I think
>> the correct behaviour is performed now and NOT before yesterday, but I
>> don't understand why this happened. Bug? Is there another macro security
>> setting elsewhere that I missed?
>> Johnny Rosenberg
>>  On 7/5/14, Johnny Rosenberg <gurus.knu...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> I did a fresh install of my operating system a couple of weeks ago, so I
>>>> now run Apache OpenOffice on Ubuntu 14.04 rather than Ubuntu 12.04.
>>> Anyway,
>>>> one of the first things I did, was to throw LibreOffice out the window
>>> and
>>>> install Apache OpenOffice.
>>>> There are a few spreadsheets that I edit every day, almost, and the
>>>> first
>>>> thing I experience after a fresh operating system install is usually
>>> that I
>>>> need to add macro paths to the macro security paths list.
>>>> I usually add them one by one when I need them and for now I only need
>>>> to
>>>> run macros in spreadsheets at ”~/Kontor/Ekonomi/” (in English:
>>>> ~/Office/Economy/). However, to open those spreadsheets I click on a
>>>> link
>>>> located in a folder on my desktop, ”~/Skrivbord/Frekvent använt/” (in
>>>> English: ”~/Desktop/Frequently used/”). All I did so far was that I
>>>> added
>>>> the ”~/Kontor/Ekonomi/” path to the macro security list thing, and it
>>>> worked perfectly for those weeks. Until today.
>>>> Now, when opening one of those spreadsheets, it says that it won't run
>>> any
>>>> of my macros.
>>>> So now I just gave up and added ”~/Skrivbord/Frekvent använt/” and
>>>> Apache
>>>> OpenOffice seemt to be happy with that. But why, WHY, WHY, WHY did it
>>> work
>>>> before today? I've been opening those links all the time since I put
>>>> them
>>>> there, without any kinds of problems!
>>>> The only thing that is different now from before, is that I moved my
>>>> computer a few meters and that I use two screens instead of one now. How
>>>> could that matter?
>>>> Best regards
>>>> Johnny Rosenberg
>>> --
>>> Alexandro Colorado
>>> Apache OpenOffice Contributor
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> --
> Andrew Pitonyak
> My Macro Document: http://www.pitonyak.org/AndrewMacro.odt
> Info:  http://www.pitonyak.org/oo.php
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