At 11:59 14/05/2014 +0530, Shanthi Sonly wrote:
I am currently using Open Office 4.1.0. I work on spreadsheets extensively. However, I have noticed that while working on a file (be it a small sized or a big sized one, but both with lot of links and usage of formulae within the file), it goes into "Not Responding" mode. It takes nearly 5 to 10 minutes for the file to complete the last action done. Incidentally, this happened in version 3.3.0 and 4.0.1 also, if that helps.
One possibility is just that the program takes that long to complete all the required recalculations that depend on any modification you have made. One way to control this is to untick Tools | Cell Contents > | AutoCalculate. Then you can make changes without recalculation holding you up. You can stimulate calculation again either permanently by replacing that tick or else as a one-off by going to Tools | Cell Contents > | Recalculate (or pressing F9).
I trust this helps. Brian Barker ------------------------------------------- List Conduct Guidelines: To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail: