At 23:20 27/04/2014 -0400, Julian Thomas wrote:
I have an excel file (names and addresses) where the previous user(s) have marked the processed row items by coloring the entries yellow. Is there an easy way to select these rows to delete them and get a file with only entries needing processing?
I'm reasonably sure that you cannot do this: OpenOffice sees background colour as formatting information and not data - so you cannot use it in processes. But you may be able to make the problem a little easier. Try inserting a new (temporary) column, adjacent to the coloured cells if the whole rows have not been coloured. Then you can easily scroll down through the file, typing something - any convenient character - into this column just in the coloured rows (or the non-coloured rows if that is easier). Then sort *all* the data on this extra column. Make sure that you "Include formats". This will separate your sheet into two areas, with all the coloured and non-coloured rows respectively together. After scanning the colours again to ensure you didn't miss anything, you can easily select the coloured rows as a block and delete them.
Conversely, if I save in excel as CSV, is there a tag somewhere that I can use to select the unprocessed entries?
No: the CSV format saves data and not formatting (or relationships), so you would be even worse off.
But you seem to imply by this question that you have access to Microsoft Excel; in any case, your "previous users" may do so. In that case you may like to know that I notice you *can* sort on cell colour in Excel (at least, you can in Excel 2010).
I trust this helps. Brian Barker ------------------------------------------- List Conduct Guidelines: To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail: