Hi I am in a disucussion with a friend about how slow is OpenOffice for Mac since it relies on X11. I thought that X11 was no longer needed and an aqua version was provided, but it seems this was not true since reading the FAQ it says that X11 is included with AOO -- hence the dependency still with the display manager.
That said besides starting up, I am not sure how would that impact performance of the application when performing common tasks. However, since I don't own a mac, I would like to open the discussion to the community and get some feedback regardling performance on cold boots, between the different OS. For 4.0.1 I got times of 4 seconds to boot OpenOffice on my Linux box with 4GB of RAM and a core dou chip. Would be nice if people can time the boot time of this application. -- Alexandro Colorado Apache OpenOffice Contributor http://www.openoffice.org 882C 4389 3C27 E8DF 41B9 5C4C 1DB7 9D1C 7F4C 2614