Hi all,

It's possible to get Openoffice to accept UNO connections over a unix
domain socket with:

    $soffice -headless -invisible -nocrashreport -nodefault -nologo
-nofirststartwizard -norestore -conversionmode

netstat shows that the domain socket is created at
`/tmp/OSL_PIPE_1001_marcin_OOffice`. That's fine, but as I will be running
this on a shared host, I'd like to have the socket somethere else, e.g. in
my home drive. However, passing a full file path (either relative or
absolute) as the `name` parameter results in no socket being created.

Is there a way I can influence where the socket is created, e.g. with an
environment variable?

Setting `TMP` and `TMPDIR` environment variables does not affect this


Marcin Tustin

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