-----Original Message----- From: Tom Backer Johnsen
Sent: Monday, November 18, 2013 6:50 PM
To: users@openoffice.apache.org
Subject: Re: Writer, ouline numbered list

Yes, this worked, something that did not when the default distances was set to points. When I changed that to centimeters, everything worked fine. Thanks!


On 18. Nov 2013, at 18:21 , johnny smith <ka...@krovatka.su> wrote:

On Sun, 17 Nov 2013 10:37:07 -0000, Tom Backer Johnsen <bac...@psych.uib.no> wrote:

I am having problems with formatting an outline numbered list. What I would like to have is a list where the number of the item is on the same horizontal position av the text of the level above. About like this:

1 Text
1.1 Text
1.1.1 Text
2 Text
2.1 Text

i followed this procedure:

1 go to format -> styles and formatting -> list styles -> right click -> new -> position
2 select level 1
a numbering followed by tab stop at, e.g., 1cm
b numbering alignment left
c aligned at, e.g., 0cm
d indent at, e.g. 1cm
3 select level 2
a numbering followed by tab stop at, e.g., 2
b numbering alignment left
c aligned at the same as 2d, i.e. 1cm
d indent at, e.g., 2cm
4 and so on

the point is to set 'aligned at' of the i-th level to the same value as 'indent at' (and 'numbering followed by tab stop at') of the (i-1)-th level. everything works fine.

a sample file is attached, and i hope the attachment won't be filtered out.<sample.odt>
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Tom Backer Johnsen
Søndre Steinkjellersmauet 7
5003 Bergen
Mobil: +47 9169 3346
Email: backer(at)psych.uib.no

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