At 12:18 17/10/2013 -0400, David L Babcock wrote:
I needed a doc to generate pages for a small 5-hole
notebook/binder. I fit 2 pages per sheet but then needed outlines
for the cutting out. The outline graphic also had "dots" to mark
where the 10 holes needed to be punched. Obviously to avoid
two-pass printing, had to use frames and/or a background image.
It was hell. But I got it working. Long enough ago that particulars
escape me. I do remember that the two little "pages" were side by
side, that "newspaper columns" were used. And that adding text
would properly move lines to the second little page, But NOT to the
following real (8.5x11) page. Sorry don't remember if the final
product used frames. (I think it did, and that's what broke line-moving).
Not asking for solutions, ...
If you do want to recreate this (or if others do so), your use of
frames does not need to "break line-moving". Using *linked* frames,
you can preserve the natural flow of text from frame to frame - and
from a frame on one page to a frame on another. See "frames;linking"
in the help text.
Brian Barker
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