>> "Brian" == Brian Barker <b.m.bar...@btinternet.com> writes:

   > At 12:16 10/10/2013 +0200, Uwe Brauer wrote:
   >> I basically want to use 2 fonts in my text. Selecting them via the
   >> GUI is cumbersome since I have to dig to a long list of fonts.

   > If you want to do anything repeatedly - such as, here, apply a
   > particular font - you should make life easy for yourself by creating
   > styles for each font.  You could sensibly use character styles or
   > paragraph styles for this, depending on your needs.

   >> Is there any script or function which I could bind to a key which
   >> allows me to speed up this selection?

   > Once you have defined your styles, yes:
   > o Go to Tools | Customize... | Keyboard.
   > o Under Category, expand Styles and select Character or Paragraph
   >   as appropriate.
   > o Under Function, select your new style.
   > o Under Shortcut keys, select your chosen key combination.
   > o At top right, choose Writer or OpenOffice (generally).
   > o Click Modify.

This is nifty, thanks, however for some reason I cannot save my new
style apropriately and there fore cannot find under function. 

I created the style by choosing styles and formating clicking characters
styles, right mouse click new:

    -  chose a font and a name (I link it with default style, not sure
       whether this is appropriate). 

then when I click again on the style list I can see the new
style. However when I close and reopen OO, the new style has

What is my mistake?


Uwe Brauer 

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