On 28.05.2013 17:10, Oliver-Rainer Wittmann wrote:
I would like to activate/introduce code which migrates certain user
profile data from AOO 3.4.x and OOo 3.x installations during the
reactivated FirstStartWizard when the user starts the first time an
installed AOO 4.0.
I have submitted two issues for this task:
- 122398 for the reactivation of the FirstStartWizard [1]
- 122397 for the code and configuration changes to migrate an AOO
3.4.x/OOo 3.x user profile [2]
I have solved both tasks inclusive the migration of user-installed
As the translation deadline has passed I have made no string changes.
Please provide feedback from your tests once a snapshot build or a
buildbot build including these changes is available.
Best regards, Oliver.
In the last days I had a look at the user profile migration code and its
configuration. I figured out how it works in general.
Further investigation is needed to figure out, if and how the existing
service to 'migrate' installed extensions works. I am currently not
sure, if the automatic user profile migration should try to install
extensions from a former version. My current preference is not to
migrate extension from a former version.
I need support and help with the migration of the user profile:
(A) To figure out and test the user profile migration 'real-life' user
profiles or 'early-alpha-testers' would be welcome.
Thus, send my your AOO 3.4.x or OOo 3.x user profile in a compressed
form (.zip file or .tar.gz file or ...) or let me know, if you want to
try my builds.
(B) The first page of the FirstStartWizard is a general welcome
containing the following en-US strings.
String "This wizard will guide you through the license agreement, the
transfer of user data from %OLD_VERSION and the registration of
%PRODUCTNAME.", if a user profile for a migration is found, and string
"This wizard will guide you through the registration of %PRODUCTNAME."
Since at least OOo 3.2 no license agreement was shown --> no text for a
license agreement is needed on the welcome page.
Since AOO 3.4 we do not have a registration --> no text for a
registration has to be shown.
Thus, I am asking for new string proposals for the welcome page of the
I have attached screenshots of the currently deactivated FirstStartWizard.
[1] https://issues.apache.org/ooo/show_bug.cgi?id=122398
[2] https://issues.apache.org/ooo/show_bug.cgi?id=122397
Thanks in advance,
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